Quick facts
Around 800 teams offer soccer scholarships
Training & game conditions at a professional level
Two college sports organizations: NCAA & NAIA
League system in conferences with qualification options for the National Tournament

The higher you play / have played, the better your chances of receiving a (full) scholarship.
You have the best chances of receiving a full scholarship if you play in the junior Bundesliga (U17/U19) or Regionalliga, or in the Men's Regionalliga or upper league.
A Partial scholarship (up to 90%) is also quite realistic if you play a national league or association league.
But also players from lower levels leagues have a chance. Ultimately, this always depends on several factors.

The season takes place in fall from September to November.
During this time you play for the Conference Championships.
This is followed by the National Tournament.
The so-called off-season, i.e. the time without competitive games, takes place in the spring semester.
During this time there will be training, but only test matches.
Playing time: 2x45 min (countdown)
In case of a draw: overtime.
This is 2x10 minutes and the golden goal rule applies.
After goalless overtime, the game will be counted as a tie.