Quick facts
4,500 accredited colleges/ universities in the United States
Academic excellence: 14 of the top 20 universities worldwide are in the US
> 1 million internat. students
No NC (Numerus Clausus)
Small courses (participants usually 20-25 students), no crowded classrooms / seats on the steps

Study system
Bachelor (Undergraduate)
4-year program
No determination of the major from the start
Master (Graduate)
2-year program
Mostly in the same subject area as the bachelor's degree
Associate's Degree
Junior college
2-year program
For people with academic hurdles and possibly for people without a high school diploma

Tuition Fees & Scholarships
Tuition fee ​
Unlike in Germany, studying in the USA is an expensive undertaking.
With a scholarship, on the other hand, a large part (in some cases even all) of the costs will be covered of you. There are different programs, some of which can also be combined.
Grants ​
Sports scholarship: our goal! This is all about your athletic performance. A sports scholarship covers parts (partial scholarship) or even all of your costs (full scholarship). A partial scholarship varies in amount and can cover up to 90% of your tuition fees. Outstanding athletes even sometimes receive some kind of "pocket money" in addition to their scholarship.
Academic scholarship: Based on your academic performance. The better your high school diploma and your SAT test, the greater the chances. With an GPA of 2.5 and a good SAT test result, you can usually qualify for it.
International scholarship: Internationality is an important criterion in the rankings of universities. Therefore, universities offer incentives to of foreign students.
Need-based aid: Financial support from the university in the event that your family has limited financial resources (non-repayable).